Blackley Blogging

The time I made a presentation about Bayesian Inference in AI

I thought I’d spend a small amount of time talking about my 4th years honours. This isn’t going to be a big post like some of my others, just a few paragraphs talking about what it was and where yo...

FizzBuzz in Assembly

I’ve recently lost my mind. Most of you programmers know that can only mean one of two things. I’ve either been programming in JavaScript or programming in Assembly. I’ve only lost my mind and not ...

Hack the box - Cyber Apocalypse retrospective

Recently I partook in Hack The Box’s Cyber Apocalypse Capture the flag event. It was remarkably fun and might even convince me to purchase a VIP subscription. I didn’t get much farther than so...

K8s, AWS loadbalancers and the limits of human sanity

I was working with K8s and AWS when I wanted to change the settings of a loadbalancer. I use a yaml and some auto-deploy features, so I went ahead and updated the deployment to use only an internal...

The Rustaceans guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the standard that you use hundreds of times a day. it’s likely that if you’ve stumbled across this blog you must have some idea what AES is and maybe some ...

Zum Wohl, Gstreamer - How to loop videos without decoding first in Gstreamer

If you’ve been up until it’s 2am and you got a project due in 5 days ago then just jump to here. Or check out the full code available on my github Recently I’ve been wrapping my head around the vi...